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Maternal COVID-19 Infection Increases Risks of Preterm Birth, Low Birth Weight and Stillbirth

An ISB-led study examined the electronic health records of more than 18,000 people with SARS-CoV-2 tests during pregnancy, and found that those who contracted COVID-19 while pregnant were more likely to have poor birth outcomes including preterm birth, small for gestational age, low birth weight, and stillbirth. 

Maternal COVID-19 Infection Increases Risks of Preterm Birth, Low Birth Weight and Stillbirth
Maternal COVID-19 Infection Increases Risks of Preterm Birth, Low Birth Weight and Stillbirth
Jennifer Hadlock, Andrew Magis and Chengzhen Dai

COVID-19 Outcome Disparities Across Racial/Ethnic Lines

ISB researchers and their collaborators looked at the electronic health records of nearly 630,000 patients who were tested for SARS-CoV-2, and found stark disparities in COVID-19 outcomes — odds of infection, hospitalization, and in-hospital mortality — between White and non-White minority racial and ethnic groups.

COVID-19 Outcome Disparities Across Racial/Ethnic Lines
COVID-19 Outcome Disparities Across Racial/Ethnic Lines
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